Source: recorder/repositories/interface.js

 * Interface for classes that model a collection of domain objects with querying capabilities
 * @see {@link|Repository}
 * @interface
class RepositoryInterface {
  * [Optional] Initialize repository
  * Override this method if the repository needs some asynchronous initialization code (open database connection and create collections, initialize Git…)
  * @returns {Promise<Repository>} Promise that will be resolved with the current repository instance
  async initialize() {
    return this;

  * [Optional] Finalize repository
  * Override this method if the repository needs some asynchronous code to properly close the repository (close database connection, push changes on Git remote…)
  * @returns {Promise<Repository>} Promise that will be resolved with the current repository instance
  async finalize() {
    return this;

  * Persist the given record if it does not already exist in repository
  * @param {Record} record - Record to persist
  * @returns {Promise<Record>} Promise that will be resolved with the given record when it has been persisted
  async save(record) {
    throw new Error(`#save method is not implemented in ${}`);

  * Find the most recent record that matches the given service ID and terms type and optionally the document ID
  * In case of snapshots, if the record is related to terms extracted from multiple source documents, the document ID is required to find the source snapshot
  * @param {string} serviceId - Service ID of record to find
  * @param {string} termsType - Terms type of record to find
  * @param {string} [documentId] - Document ID of record to find. Used to identify the source in terms extracted from multiple source documents. Not necessary for terms with a single source document
  * @returns {Promise<Record>} Promise that will be resolved with the found record or an empty object if none match the given criteria
  async findLatest(serviceId, termsType, documentId) {
    throw new Error(`#findLatest method is not implemented in ${}`);

  * Find the record that was valid on the given date and that matches the given service ID and terms type and optionally the document ID
  * In case of snapshots, if the record is related to terms extracted from multiple source documents, the document ID is required to find the source snapshot
  * @param {string} serviceId - Service ID of record to find
  * @param {string} termsType - Terms type of record to find
  * @param {date} date - Datetime on which the record to find was valid
  * @param {string} [documentId] - Document ID of record to find. Used to identify the source in terms extracted from multiple source documents. Not necessary for terms with a single source document
  * @returns {Promise<Record>} Promise that will be resolved with the found record or an empty object if none match the given criteria
  async findByDate(serviceId, termsType, date, documentId) {
    throw new Error(`#findByDate method is not implemented in ${}`);

  * Find the record that matches the given record ID
  * @param {string} recordId - Record ID of the record to find
  * @returns {Promise<Record>} Promise that will be resolved with the found record or an empty object if none match the given ID
  async findById(recordId) {
    throw new Error(`#findById method is not implemented in ${}`);

  * Find all records
  * For performance reasons, the content of the records will not be loaded by default. Use #loadRecordContent to load the content of individual records
  * @see RepositoryInterface#loadRecordContent
  * @returns {Promise<Array<Record>>} Promise that will be resolved with an array of all records
  async findAll() {
    throw new Error(`#findAll method is not implemented in ${}`);

  * Count the total number of records in the repository
  * For performance reasons, use this method rather than counting the number of entries returned by #findAll if you only need the size of a repository
  * @returns {Promise<number>} Promise that will be resolved with the total number of records
  async count() {
    throw new Error(`#count method is not implemented in ${}`);

  * Iterate over all records in the repository, from oldest to most recent
  * @yields {Record}
  async* iterate() {
    throw new Error(`#iterate method is not implemented in ${}`);

  * Remove all records
  * @returns {Promise} Promise that will be resolved when all records are removed
  async removeAll() {
    throw new Error(`#removeAll method is not implemented in ${}`);

  * Load content of the given record
  * @param {Record} record - Record of which to populate content
  * @returns {Promise<Record>} Promise that will be resolved with the given record when its content has been loaded
  async loadRecordContent(record) {
    throw new Error(`#loadRecordContent method is not implemented in ${}`);

export default RepositoryInterface;